
send-feedback electron element - that could be used to get user feedback from electron app

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This documentation section will guide you through the process, of how to customize the <send-feedback> element. The one of the great feature of custom elements.

Customize the design

There are two was to provide custom css. Through a css file or by directly providing css. Set the customStylesheet to the link of the stylesheet to use it. You can also set the customStyles to css you want, for example, sendFeedback.customStyle = ':host { padding: 10px; }'.


The title of an element, the default is Send Feedback It can be changed by setting title attribute or property to a new title.

Title Label

The label for the title input, the default is Title It can be changed by setting the title-label attribute or titleLabel property.

Title Placeholder

The placeholder of title input, the default is Enter title. It can be changed by setting title-placeholder or titlePlaceholder property.

Textarea Label

The textarea input, the default label is Send us your experience with this app:. It can be changed by setting textarea-label or textareaLabel property.

Textarea Placeholder

The placeholder of textarea input, the default is Write your feedback.... It can be changed by setting textarea-placeholder or textareaPlaceholder property.

Button Label

The text of submit button. the default is Send Feedback. It can be changed by setting button-label or buttonLabel property.

Cancel button

If you use this element as a modal and wish to have a cancel button in the UI set the showCancelButton property or the show-cancel-button attribute to "show". Then, when a user clicks the cancel button, we will emit a feedback-cancelled event so you can update your UI accordingly. See the events section on how to setup a event listener to catch the event.

Cancel Button Label

The text of cancel button, the default is Cancel. It can be changed by setting cancel-label or cancelButton property.